Zona NucleareThe only national site for collection of nuclear wastes in Italy,
Sogin, Personages, Rules, radioactive wastes business,
ambiguous situations of a story around which turn Millions of Euro



Il sito unico nazionale per la raccolta delle scorie nucleari , la Sogin, i Personaggi, le Norme, il business dei rifiuti radioattivi  italiano

    The only national site for collection of nuclear wastes in Italy, Sogin, Personages, Rules, radioactive wastes business  english
    Le seul site national pour la récolte des déchets nucléaires en Italie, le Sogin, les Personnages, les Règles, le business des déchets radioactifs  francais
    イタリアにおける国の統合核廃棄物処分場、la Sogin(核施設管理株式会社)、重要人物、法規、放射性廃棄物ビジネス  japanese
    El único “sitio nacional” por la recolección de la basura nuclear en Italia, la SOGIN, los personajes, las normas, el negocio de los desechos radiactivos  espanol
    Einziges Atommüll-Endlager in Italien, die SOGIN, die Mitwirkenden, die Normen, der Business des radioaktiven Abfalls  deutsch

1. I.A.E.A. report of nuclear power development in Italy
2. What is SOGIN - Nuclear Plant Management?
3. What is ANPA (now called APAT)?
4. Decommissioning in Italy - National fact sheet
5. Status of decommissioning activities of Italian Nuclear Power Plants
6. More info about Scanzano Jonico (or Ionico) and nuclear waste repository
7. Italy to send nuclear waste abroad for disposal and UK to keep foreign nuclear waste


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I.A.E.A. - Country Nuclear Power Profile - Italy Report

( 2002 Edition - It updates the country information, in general, to the end of 2001)
(This is the fourth edition of the Country Nuclear Power Profiles)

Narrative overview of nuclear power development in Italy

1 - General information

2 - Electricity sector

3 - Nuclear power situation

4 - Nuclear power industry

5 - Regulatory framework


2. Electricity sector

2.1. Structure of the Electricity Sector

In 1962, the electric sector was nationalized by Law 1643 of 6 December 1962. ENEL (Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, Italian Electricity Generating Board) was established to be wholly responsible for electricity production and transmission, and partially responsible for distribution of electric energy.
Starting from the early ‘90s, many changes have been developed in the Italian electricity sector and the consequences begin to appear.
By Decree No. 333 of 11 July 1992, the Government decided to privatize some state-owned industrial and commercial companies. The new companies issued shares for a total value equal to the net fixed assets given in the last balance sheet. The shares have been allocated to the Treasury and the revenue obtained by their sale will be used to reduce the national debt and to balance the Government’s books. Thus, in August 1992, ENEL became a joint-stock company (ENEL S.p.A.) with its shares in the hands of the Treasury. In November 1995 the law setting up the Independent regulatory Authority has been approved, and the Authority has been operational since the beginning of 1997. In December 1995 The Ministry of Industry issued the new concession to Enel SpA.
In March 1999, a legislative Decree (“Bersani” Decree) was issued, for the restructuring and liberalization of the Italian electricity sector: the purpose of the Decree is both to reach a sufficiently large liberalization and to guarantee such general economic interest as, for instance, a universal service, tariff equalization, the development of renewable sources.
According to the mentioned decree, Enel SpA begun a process of complete reorganization. Enel is now an holding, whose shares are for 68% property of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (former Ministry of Treasury). The balance of 32% is already on the stock market. As for generation, Enel has subdivided its generation capacity in a few companies, with the perspective of reducing its generation share in the Italian market accordingly to the European directive. Companies Elettogen (5720 MW) and Eurogen (7000 MW) have already been sold to private operators and for Interpower (2600 MW) the process is ongoing. Two other companies in the holding are dedicated to distribution (one company for the captive market and one for the free market), and one owns the transmission grid. Many others stock companies exist in Enel group for other business such as engineering, lighting, water management, and other for different industrial services.

2.2. Decision Making Process

New generation capacity will be built according to the licensing procedure: producers wanting to operate on the free market will apply for the authorization. In order to encourage the use of renewable sources, operators producing more than 100 GW·h/year (coming from non renewable sources) will be obliged as of 2001 to insert a quota of energy into the grid produced with renewable sources equal to 2% of the amount exceeding 100 GW·h.
From January 2003, no producer or operator will be allowed to generate or import more than 50% of the total electric power generated and imported in Italy.
The management of the grid is assured by the Independent System Operator (ISO): a joint stock company, owned by the Ministry of Treasure and totally independent from the electricity industry.
ISO has the task of dispatching energy and operating the national network, that mainly consists of the HV grid of Enel and HV lines of other operators.

2.3. Main Indicators

Italy’s total gross output capacity of electricity generating plants in 2000 amounted to 76.400 MW: thermal plants 56,700 MW, hydroelectric 20,600 MW, geothermal 631 MW and 400 MW renewable sources. Total gross electricity production in 2001 was 279.630 GW·h., including wind and photovoltaic for about 0.8 TW·h. High voltage transmission lines, connecting power plants with the distribution system, are mainly based on 380 kV lines and 220 kV lines.
In 2000, the electricity demand on the national grid was 305.4 TW·h with a per capita demand of 5,154 kWh. In 2000, electricity’s share in gross domestic energy demand was 35.4%.

2.4. Impact of Open Electricity Market in the Nuclear Sector

Nuclear is not an option at the moment in Italy: no impact of Open electricity market in the nuclear sector







(usa il motore di ricerca e trovi quello che vuoi nelle oltre 800 pagine del sito)

1. Cosa è la radioattività? e i suoi effetti?
2. L' uomo, le radiazioni corpuscolari ed elettromagnetiche, le radiazioni ionizzanti
3. Le applicazioni della radioattività e delle radiazioni ionizzanti
4. Cosa sono le scorie nucleari?
5. Cosa sono i rifiuti radioattivi? (definizione, classificazione, origine)
6. La gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi

7. Documentazione scientifica in merito alla materia "rifiuti nucleari"
8. Come si effettua rilevamento e la misurazione della radioattività? (cenni normativi, strumenti, unità di misura)

1. La scelta del sito per il deposito di rifiuti nucleari: dall' Enea alla Sogin
2. Scorie nucleari. Il Commissario e la Commissione
3. Il decreto-legge n. 314/03 e la legge di conversione n.368/03
Accordi, norme e raccomandazioni internazionali che non sono state rispettate nella legge 368/03
Risoluzione del Comitato delle Regioni (organo UE) n. 251 del 1998
6. Il Progetto europeo COMPAS
7. Riferimenti normativi in merito alla materia "rifiuti nucleari"
8. Guida Tecnica n. 26 - La gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi

9. Le Direttive Europee che disciplinano l’ accesso del pubblico all’ informazione ambientale
10. Il diritto alle informazioni e ai processi decisionali e le sue basi normative
1. La commissione parlamentare d' inchiesta Scalia
2. La Task Force Enea
3. L' Inventario   Nazionale dei Rifiuti Radioattivi - ENEA 2000
4. Il GIS (Sistema Informativo Geografico) della Task Force Enea
5. Il GIS (Sistema Informativo Geografico) del GSP3 - SITO
6. Carlo Jean, un Generale molto militare, poco nucleare...
7. I mille incarichi del prof. Paolo Togni - vice della Sogin e tanto altro...
8. La Sogin Spa e il nucleare in Italia
9. Le attività della Sogin
10. Il parere che Carlo Rubbia ha esposto in Parlamento
Il parere degli esperti: J.K. Mitchell, B. De Vivo, P.Risoluti, T. Regge
12. Quali fattori per la scelta: scientifici? ...o forse politici?
13. Il referendum sul nucleare del 1987
14. Mappa degli attuali depositi di materiale radioattivo in Italia
La situazione in Italia dei rifiuti radioattivi
16. Studio Sogin per la localizzazione del sito a Scanzano Ionico - relazione integrale
17. Studio Sogin per la localizzazione del sito a Scanzano Ionico - appendice finale
18. Workshop internazionale sul decommissioning degli impianti nucleari - Roma 2004
1. L' ecomafia dei rifiuti in Italia
2. Il traffico di materiale ferroso contaminato alle fonderie
3. Navi affondate e sospetti: i traffici di rifiuti pericolosi e radioattivi
4. La legge-delega sull'ambiente: effetti, personaggi, valutazioni
5. Il Ministro dell’Ambiente Matteoli: paralisi o no?

6. La costruzione del "sito unico": l'Impregilo e la B.N.L. in prima linea?
7. A Taranto una base USA per i sottomarini nucleari?
8. Il rischio attentati terroristici legati ai depositi di scorie radioattive
1. La situazione in Europa dei rifiuti radioattivi
2. I depositi per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti nucleari nel mondo
Il problema delle scorie radioattive in USA

4. Il problema delle scorie radioattive in Russia
5. L'impianto di Sellafield in Gran Bretagna per il trattamento di rifiuti nucleari
Lo smantellamento degli arsenali nucleari, l' uranio altamente arricchito (HEU), il plutonio e il mox
7. Il costo per la conservazione e lo smaltimento definitivo del materiale radioattivo
1. Lo smaltimento sotto i fondali marini
La "trasmutazione" dei nuclei radioattivi a vita media-lunga in elementi stabili e il "motore" di Rubbia

3. Il Sole come discarica per le scorie nucleari
4. L'uso civile e bellico dell' uranio impoverito (il "prodotto di scarto")
5. Il batterio che ripulisce dalla radioattività




last update January 2006     ::     online since 19 December 2003