Zona NucleareThe only national site for collection of nuclear wastes in Italy,
Sogin, Personages, Rules, radioactive wastes business,
ambiguous situations of a story around which turn Millions of Euro



Il sito unico nazionale per la raccolta delle scorie nucleari , la Sogin, i Personaggi, le Norme, il business dei rifiuti radioattivi  italiano

    The only national site for collection of nuclear wastes in Italy, Sogin, Personages, Rules, radioactive wastes business  english
    Le seul site national pour la récolte des déchets nucléaires en Italie, le Sogin, les Personnages, les Règles, le business des déchets radioactifs  francais
    イタリアにおける国の統合核廃棄物処分場、la Sogin(核施設管理株式会社)、重要人物、法規、放射性廃棄物ビジネス  japanese
    El único “sitio nacional” por la recolección de la basura nuclear en Italia, la SOGIN, los personajes, las normas, el negocio de los desechos radiactivos  espanol
    Einziges Atommüll-Endlager in Italien, die SOGIN, die Mitwirkenden, die Normen, der Business des radioaktiven Abfalls  deutsch

1. I.A.E.A. report of nuclear power development in Italy
2. What is SOGIN - Nuclear Plant Management?
3. What is ANPA (now called APAT)?
4. Decommissioning in Italy - National fact sheet
5. Status of decommissioning activities of Italian Nuclear Power Plants
6. More info about Scanzano Jonico (or Ionico) and nuclear waste repository
7. Italy to send nuclear waste abroad for disposal and UK to keep foreign nuclear waste


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SOGIN - Nuclear Plant Management Co
(Società gestione impianti nucleari)

Legal Profile

Legal set-up
On 31.5.1999 Sogin has been incorporated by ENEL, the main Italian electricity company, in the framework of the re-organisation of the national electricity sector, set forth by the Italian law N° 79 of March 16th, 1999, "Implementation of the EC/96/92 Directive establishing community rules for the internal market in the electricity" sector.
According to this law ENEL came to assume exclusively "holding" functions, transferring operational activities to ad-hoc single companies, incorporated to this end.
In the framework of this re-organisation, as of November 1st 1999, ENEL made the spin off of the nuclear activities remitting to Sogin all assets, privities, and personnel connected to activities for decommissioning of nuclear power plants, for the fuel cycle closure, and to all other related and resulting activities, previously assigned to its department named SGN (Nuclear Plant Management).
At present, Sogin is no longer an operating Company within the ENEL Group as it has been transferred 100% to the Italian Ministry of Treasury.

old Sogin logo old Sogin logo

new Sogin logo new Sogin logo (2004)

Sogin activities

Sogin, Nuclear Plant Management Co, is a joint stock company responsible for the execution of activities related to the dismantling of the dismissed Italian nuclear power plants, to the back end of the fuel cycle, to the sites restoration and/or re-utilisation, and to the business development towards the market.
The main branches of activities can be summed up as follows:

  • the dismantling of the dismissed Italian nuclear power plants
  • the back end of the fuel cycle
  • the sites restoration and re-utilisation in order to valorize them with their connected assets
  • the activity in the international market in the field of engineering services.

The main target is to complete the above mentioned activities acting in compliance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Industry, which are described in the document, "Strategic guidelines for the management of nuclear facilities" (14thDecember, 1999).
The scheduled decommissioning program related to the NPPs should be concluded within twenty years. Sogin, taking into account these guidelines, has provided the detailed programme. The involved NPPs are two BWRs (Garigliano, Caorso), a PWR (Trino) and a gas graphite reactor (Latina). They operated for decades with high degree of safety and efficiency.
In 1988, as a result of the popular referendum held in 1987, after Chernobyl accident, the Italian Government decided to stop the nuclear energy generation. Moreover it blocked the construction of Montalto di Castro (2 X 1000 MWe BWR) and Trino 2 (2 X 1000 MWe PWR) nuclear power plants, whose operation was planned to start in 1990.
Since then, preliminary decommissioning activities of the four plants have been started with particular emphasis on the disposal of operational radioactive waste. Now Sogin is carrying on the decommissioning program of the four NPPs, the waste treatment and characterisation awaiting for the final repository, the closure of the fuel cycle (dry storage and reprocessing management).
Cumulated funds transferred to Sogin from Enel at the date of its constitution were adequate to complete decommissioning activities within the Safe Store strategy. Following the separation of Sogin from Enel, a funding mechanism has been defined to provide resources for additional costs deriving from the different economic conditions (new discount rate and taxes), from the management costs for the new company, and from the change in strategy (from Safe Store to DECON).
Sogin has a levy equal to about 0.6 Italian lire on any KWh sold in Italy. Based on present consumption of electric energy, this amount is about 150 billions of Italian Lire per year.

Consultancy and technical assistance abroad
In parallel with its institutional activities Sogin carries out consulting and technical assistance activities in the nuclear sector, including activities in the framework of TACIS and PHARE programmes.

Personnel and costs structures
Presently Sogin has a work force of about more than 600 employees, which have been mainly inherited from the previous Company within Enel Group. All competence and know-how on nuclear engineering has been transferred to Sogin in order to give a continuity in the nuclear activities and to give a prompt start to the new born activities.
Sogin has defined a personnel management whose target is to acquire highly specialized personnel and to develop with proficiency both core business activities and consultancy and technical assistance abroad. Sogin intends to activate a programme based on an updating training and re-conversion process for its personnel together with a well defined hiring on particular competence.



source: European website on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations





(usa il motore di ricerca e trovi quello che vuoi nelle oltre 800 pagine del sito)

1. Cosa è la radioattività? e i suoi effetti?
2. L' uomo, le radiazioni corpuscolari ed elettromagnetiche, le radiazioni ionizzanti
3. Le applicazioni della radioattività e delle radiazioni ionizzanti
4. Cosa sono le scorie nucleari?
5. Cosa sono i rifiuti radioattivi? (definizione, classificazione, origine)
6. La gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi

7. Documentazione scientifica in merito alla materia "rifiuti nucleari"
8. Come si effettua rilevamento e la misurazione della radioattività? (cenni normativi, strumenti, unità di misura)

1. La scelta del sito per il deposito di rifiuti nucleari: dall' Enea alla Sogin
2. Scorie nucleari. Il Commissario e la Commissione
3. Il decreto-legge n. 314/03 e la legge di conversione n.368/03
Accordi, norme e raccomandazioni internazionali che non sono state rispettate nella legge 368/03
Risoluzione del Comitato delle Regioni (organo UE) n. 251 del 1998
6. Il Progetto europeo COMPAS
7. Riferimenti normativi in merito alla materia "rifiuti nucleari"
8. Guida Tecnica n. 26 - La gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi

9. Le Direttive Europee che disciplinano l’ accesso del pubblico all’ informazione ambientale
10. Il diritto alle informazioni e ai processi decisionali e le sue basi normative
1. La commissione parlamentare d' inchiesta Scalia
2. La Task Force Enea
3. L' Inventario   Nazionale dei Rifiuti Radioattivi - ENEA 2000
4. Il GIS (Sistema Informativo Geografico) della Task Force Enea
5. Il GIS (Sistema Informativo Geografico) del GSP3 - SITO
6. Carlo Jean, un Generale molto militare, poco nucleare...
7. I mille incarichi del prof. Paolo Togni - vice della Sogin e tanto altro...
8. La Sogin Spa e il nucleare in Italia
9. Le attività della Sogin
10. Il parere che Carlo Rubbia ha esposto in Parlamento
Il parere degli esperti: J.K. Mitchell, B. De Vivo, P.Risoluti, T. Regge
12. Quali fattori per la scelta: scientifici? ...o forse politici?
13. Il referendum sul nucleare del 1987
14. Mappa degli attuali depositi di materiale radioattivo in Italia
La situazione in Italia dei rifiuti radioattivi
16. Studio Sogin per la localizzazione del sito a Scanzano Ionico - relazione integrale
17. Studio Sogin per la localizzazione del sito a Scanzano Ionico - appendice finale
18. Workshop internazionale sul decommissioning degli impianti nucleari - Roma 2004
1. L' ecomafia dei rifiuti in Italia
2. Il traffico di materiale ferroso contaminato alle fonderie
3. Navi affondate e sospetti: i traffici di rifiuti pericolosi e radioattivi
4. La legge-delega sull'ambiente: effetti, personaggi, valutazioni
5. Il Ministro dell’Ambiente Matteoli: paralisi o no?

6. La costruzione del "sito unico": l'Impregilo e la B.N.L. in prima linea?
7. A Taranto una base USA per i sottomarini nucleari?
8. Il rischio attentati terroristici legati ai depositi di scorie radioattive
1. La situazione in Europa dei rifiuti radioattivi
2. I depositi per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti nucleari nel mondo
Il problema delle scorie radioattive in USA

4. Il problema delle scorie radioattive in Russia
5. L'impianto di Sellafield in Gran Bretagna per il trattamento di rifiuti nucleari
Lo smantellamento degli arsenali nucleari, l' uranio altamente arricchito (HEU), il plutonio e il mox
7. Il costo per la conservazione e lo smaltimento definitivo del materiale radioattivo
1. Lo smaltimento sotto i fondali marini
La "trasmutazione" dei nuclei radioattivi a vita media-lunga in elementi stabili e il "motore" di Rubbia

3. Il Sole come discarica per le scorie nucleari
4. L'uso civile e bellico dell' uranio impoverito (il "prodotto di scarto")
5. Il batterio che ripulisce dalla radioattività




last update January 2006     ::     online since 19 December 2003